Independent Air Quality Consultants

Indoor air quality, environmental and ventilation hygiene.

01322 273158


Occupational Hygiene

We offer a range of occupational hygiene services related to, and focused on our core business within the indoor workplace environment. Our services include:

Is Occupational Hygiene required?

Yes:- Occupational hygiene is about the prevention of ill health caused in the workplace.

What is involved?

Our hygienist will provide services for the recognition and evaluation of hazardous agents and activities, as well as guidance on their control. Commonly this could include one or many hazards:

How can AirisQ help with your Occupational Hygiene needs?

We offer a complete service provided by our occupational hygienist who is qualified in these key areas:

  1. Health Effects of Hazardous Substances
  2. Measurement of Hazardous Substances (including Risk Assessment)
  3. Control of Hazardous Substances
  4. Noise and an Introduction to Vibration
  5. Thermal Environment and Non-Ionising Radiation (including Lighting)
  6. Ergonomics Essential (including Manual Handling and DSE)

Benefits of using AirisQ for your occupational hygiene

Good Occupational Hygiene benefits both your staff and your business. It results in:

  • Improved employee health and increased life expectancy
  • Staff wellbeing and comfort within a safer working environment
  • Compliance with guidance and health and safety legislation
  • Achieving success in meeting health and safety objectives
  • Reduction in the number of people having to leave employment early through injury or illness
  • Lower sickness costs as well as maximizing worker potential
  • More efficient working processes with technological improvements and increased productivity.